Impact Over Intent

I shared this on Friday via Instagram, but feel it bears repeating.

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I want to acknowledge the absolutely disgusting things that are happening to the Black community in the U.S. (and have been since black folx were enslaved and brought here.)

We're seeing more imagery than we ever have of the despicable things that the Black community faces due to smart phones, social media and people just being f*cking TIRED of it.


You may (or may not) remember the campaign I started in January 2019:

Impact Over Intent

Birthed from the belief that it’s not what you *intend* through your words and actions that ultimately matters: it’s how what you do or say *impacts* vulnerable people and populations.

The purpose of #impactoverintentcampaign is to create conversation and awareness, to redefine the limited definition of allyship, and to encourage folx to begin or to improve their practice.

When you buy a hoodie you, 100% of your money is distributed to folx and/or organizations doing critical social justice work every day to chip away at bogus disparities.

This branch of HYY is known as Anti-Jerk-ivists Unite, where accountability is a non-negotiable within an allyship practice. However, HYY does not believe in perfection or cancel culture. Humans are human *because* they make mistakes, and humans can be better *because* of those mistakes.

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Proceeds are being distributed to Rachel Cargle. If you're unfamiliar with her work, I implore you to follow her and if possible, donate to The Loveland Foundation which provides Therapy for Black Girls and Women. I’ve seen her speak twice and it’s informative, comprehensive and there’s no coddling. Please check her out. She provides so many useful resources.

No matter what you chose, DO SOMETHING. Buy a hoodie, call your reps, write letters, speak up when you see inequities and have the uncomfortable conversations.

Negative feelings dissipate, but Black lives can not be replaced.

With love,