There will never be a better time.
I won’t make this long* because time is precious and because I want to enjoy the chocolate chip scone** I just bought at my local coffee shop but the point is that I can’t believe its been five years!
Five years ago one of my oldest and closest childhood friends got married. My husband and I made our way south where the shin dig was taking place and I remember being in the hotel room and looking at my Blanche Devereaux inspired dress hanging on the wall. (A visual reminder to your right - it also paints a picture as to what I look like about 90% of the time I go to a wedding and the music is really good, but I digress.)
This weekend, this particular weekend, I knew that I had to give myself the push to go for it and officially launch my company.
I was so nervous because I knew that I was about to tell the world that I was starting something and once it was out there, everyone could see it.
What if no one buys anything? What if I fail and I fail publicly? What if everyone finds out that I’m a fraud? If this doesn’t pan out what the Hell am I actually going to do?
And here were are.
This accomplishment is something I’m really proud of but that’s not the message I want to share. This is the message I want you to read (and I can not possibly stress this enough):
There will never be a better time to do the thing than right now.
Right now. People say this kind of sh*t all the time (“I could get hit by a bus tomorrow!”) and we know it to be true, but think about what has happened in the past three years. Think about how quickly things can deteriorate like they did with the pandemic. In the blink of an eye our world can get turned upside down and we look back thinking, I should have done this or said that.
Building and maintaining a basic, functional life takes a lot of work. We try to juggle all the things. “Once all this stuff over here settles then there will be time” for all that other life stuff that we know would bring us joy and peace on a cellular level. “I’ll get to it later,” we say and we may, in fact, get to it later.
Or we may realize that there will never be time for it unless we prioritize the optimization of the tiny speck of time we have on this Earth.
It doesn’t matter what the thing is:
Applying to a job
Ending a relationship
Starting to meditate
Starting therapy to deal with childhood traumas
Getting sober
Taking that French class for shits and giggles
Having the extremely difficult conversation
Asking out the person you’ve been dancing around for years
Literally anything that will make you the purest, most honorable, joyfully unapologetic version of yourself is worth doing.
The positive impact will trickle into every single thing in your life - your work, relationships, habits, health - not to mention how it will positively impact the people you love most.
These past five years have probably been the happiest of my life, no joke. I credit that to a few things; getting treatment for PMADs and depression that has been simmering for a long time, and taking a chance on myself.***
By no means do I have it all figured out but in my core I feel that I’m headed in the right direction.
If nothing else I beg of you to please, please, please love yourself enough to invest everything in your speck of time on Earth. You will never, ever, ever regret it.
With heaps of love, gratitude and gusto,
*Lies. All lies.
**I’m not saying that the scone is crucial to this post or my journey, but their scones have helped me through some tough times, okay?!
***Obviously, my husband and kids may also have had a hand in it but I’m focusing on actions I took.